
Graphiql Examples:


 1-- Query Input --
 2  query {
 3    locations(
 4      limit:10
 5      after:0
 6      userId:2
 7      columnName:"id"
 8      direction:"asc"
 9    ){
10      totalCount
11    	edges {
12        node{
13          id
14          address_line_1
15          address_line_2
16          city
17          state
18          zipcode
19          longitude
20          latitude
21          user_id
22          created_at
23          updated_at
24        }
25        cursor
26      }
27      pageInfo{
28        endCursor
29        hasNextPage
30      }
31      errorMsg
32    }
33  }
 1-- Query Output --
 3  "data": {
 4    "locations": {
 5      "totalCount": 4,
 6      "edges": [
 7        {
 8          "node": {
 9            "id": 3,
10            "address_line_1": "42 Wallaby Way",
11            "address_line_2": "",
12            "city": "Sydney",
13            "state": "CA",
14            "zipcode": 95826,
15            "longitude": null,
16            "latitude": null,
17            "user_id": null,
18            "created_at": "2021-07-29 21:41:18",
19            "updated_at": "2021-07-29 21:41:18"
20          },
21          "cursor": 0
22        },
23        {
24          "node": {
25            "id": 4,
26            "address_line_1": "42 Wallaby Way",
27            "address_line_2": "",
28            "city": "Sydney",
29            "state": "CA",
30            "zipcode": 95826,
31            "longitude": null,
32            "latitude": null,
33            "user_id": null,
34            "created_at": "2021-07-29 22:07:44",
35            "updated_at": "2021-07-29 22:07:44"
36          },
37          "cursor": 1
38        }
39      ],
40      "pageInfo": {
41        "endCursor": 1,
42        "hasNextPage": false
43      },
44      "errorMsg": null
45    }
46  }

Root Query for Entity (Non-Named Query):

 1-- Query Input --
 3  location(id: 5) {
 4    id
 5    address_line_1
 6    address_line_2
 7    city
 8    state
 9    zipcode
10    longitude
11    latitude
12    user_id
13  }
 1-- Query Output --
 3  "data": {
 4    "location": {
 5      "id": 5,
 6      "address_line_1": "42 Wallaby Way",
 7      "address_line_2": "",
 8      "city": "Sydney",
 9      "state": "CA",
10      "zipcode": 94102,
11      "longitude": null,
12      "latitude": null,
13      "user_id": 2,
14    }
15  }


 1-- Mutation Input --
 2  mutation {
 3    editLocation(input: {
 4      id: 4     # id input indicates which location entry to edit
 5      address_line_1: "800 Test Ct" # this input and any additional inputs in a single mutation indicate which fields to edit
 6    }) { # the field list below indicates which fields to display with the output
 7    	location {
 8        id
 9        address_line_1
10        address_line_2
11        city
12        state
13        zipcode
14        longitude
15        latitude
16        user_id
17      }
18    }
19  }
 1-- Mutation Output --
 3"data": {
 4  "editLocation": {
 5    "location": {
 6      "id": 4,
 7      "address_line_1": "42 Wallaby Way",
 8      "address_line_2": "",
 9      "city": "Sydney",
10      "state": "CA",
11      "zipcode": 94102,
12      "longitude": null,
13      "latitude": null,
14      "user_id": 3,
15    }
16  }